Splinter, Thorn, Thin king.

Thank you for yesterday’s Zoom meeting with FriendsOfRupertSpira.com!
use a thorn to remove a thorn, then throw them both away
Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj, Guru Of Nisargadatta Maharaj(?)
The thorn is thinking; the underlying peace is priceless (and the source for harmony in daily living).
Thinking can be powerful and practical: getting things done, celebrating Life.
Without being knowingly the space/peace in which thoughts arise we might easily miss the love and wisdom.
Our fulfillment is always here and now, but we might overlook it for lifetimes due to its simplicity.
It is not so much knowledge that we need, but rather inspiration to feel again the breath of the spirit, the flow of Grace, the power of the Holy Spirit, the presence of the living God.
It is not merely concepts and more ‘how to do’ instructions, but to be stimulated again into real life.
Just a big thank you for your openness, for being loyal to your heart and mental clarity.
Forgiving myself, my own foolishness…