Sir Ken Robinson: People flourish when the culture is right

“…how we can seize the opportunity to transform how we educate our children, and how we approach our relationship with the world we live in.”

“…in finding Your Element, author and educator, Sir Ken Robinson, offers viewers a guide to finding and being in their element. He provides basic principles and tools to help guide them to do the work they enjoy with a sense of contentment and purpose.”

Intro, Welcome…

“Millions of parents and carers have suddenly found themselves responsible for overseeing their children’s education from home due to COVID-19.

If you’re one of them, you may be finding this a daunting challenge to be facing on top of all of the other stresses of our current global situation. I am launching a podcast special to help bring you and your family resources and insight from around the world, and to give you the opportunity to share what is happening with your own family so that others can benefit from your experiences.

No matter how isolated you may be feeling, the support you need is out there and my hope is that this podcast will connect you to it. Please watch the video to learn more, and then I invite you to be in touch with your stories, questions, concerns or insights by emailing With your permission some of these may be featured in the series and I may be in touch to arrange an interview so that we can share and exchange ideas.”

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
“The Ideal Education” – Sir Ken Robinson with Sadhguru


Please help me to improve this website (-; Holger@BeingTogether.Live

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you for the video about educating children. It’s a long talk, but I could not stop myself from being interested in it! I loved it!! Thank you so much Holger 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

    • holgerhubbs says:

      I very much enjoy Sir Ken Robinson, his attitude towards creativity, and for sure his sense of humor (-;
      I struggled a lot during my 13 years in public school; such a waste in so many regards. Thank you Inge.
      Now with Tessa’s homeschooling…

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