What to do/be here?

Let’s do this together…
This is a wordpress website. The software I am using for the ‘Community’ functionality is called Peepso; they announced a new improved version for the middle of August 2020. With this update in mind I hesitate to fiddle too much with what is here right now.
The final feature set should be similar to Facebook, just with the difference that this website is only maintained by myself in my spare time.
Share something about yourself…
Please notice the “My Profile” link in the top menu.
Don’t be a stranger, but add a photo and share a little bit about yourself… not to impress people, but to give yourself a voice.
Who else is here?
Check out the “Friends” link in the top menu.
Bells and whistles?
Later (new software version) … we might set it up to post, chat, receive notifications…
The idea is not to spend more time at your computer, but to create a hub for great connections and quality content.