Adagio – Johann Sebastian Bach

Youtube comment:

“First, it’s not a Bach! It’s Alessandro Marcello!.

The Concerto for Oboe and Strings in D minor op. 1 is perhaps his best-known work 1717. Its worth was affirmed by Johann Sebastian Bach who transcribed it for harpsichord (BWV 974).

And after more than 3 hundred years still feel fresh!!! Great music never dies!”

Thank you Oksana (-;
So beautiful…

Thank you Walter, Priyam, Grace for our Zoom (while I got Oksana’s message with the music).

Like being in love with Love, most in-team, without the burden of making things personal; and if things seem so personal we can just relax again…


Please help me to improve this website (-; Holger@BeingTogether.Live

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1 Response

  1. Ellen Gannon says:

    Listening to Bach
    Thank You
    Beautiful way to start this Day

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