Tagged: Rupert Spira
Rupert Spira and Swami Sarvapriyananda…
“…discuss nondual consciousness. The conversation is moderated by Rick Archer of Buddha at the Gas Pump.”
The Mask of the Separate Self
“A man speaks about the separate self as a mask and Rupert elaborates.”
09-20-2020 Hangout :: FriendsOfRupertSpira.com
“There is no agenda, no teachers, no students. We just see what turns up, when we meet with friends who share our understanding.”
Thou Art the Love With Which I Love Thee
“Let go, let go, let go. Let your tears be the river into which everything you know is offered up, all your longing, everything.”
Object, Other or World ‘outside’
“In the absence of this division of experience, there is just the indivisible, unnameable intimacy of experience.”
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