Tagged: video


How you sink about yourself

“In this lovely little 5 minute video, a questioner says that she feels she has visited that place of origin within her, but then at the slightest provocation, her EMOTIONS can bring her back to identify as the mind. Francis explains that one must think of their body as an instrument, rather than our personal identity…”


You Are Life Itself — Guided Meditation with Mooji

“Everything is in place for life to unfold in its natural way. Be aware of this. You are not apart from life, but life itself.

You are simply here – undivided, whole, complete, happy. Be confirmed in your completeness.”


I quit my PhD

“I know that people work hard to get to be a PhD student, I know this because I worked very hard to get here. I’m not throwing away this opportunity because I don’t appreciate it, it’s just not the best use of my time right now.”


Mooji: What Is the Best Way to Start the Day?

“Just be aware of the sense of being, it is not personal.

Of all habits this is going to be the most fruitful, the most delivering. And this habit becomes integrated in your being.

The more you try this, the better it gets!”