Category: Rupert Spira


Awareness in Deep Sleep

“According to Rupert Spira awareness doesn’t disappear in deep sleep, but that everything that we are AWARE OF disappears. He invites us to inquire: How come we know ‘I slept well’? What is it that had the experience of sleeping well? What is that knows that experience? If we inquire honestly and earnestly we come to the conclusion that we are aware in deep sleep, aware of no objects, perceptions, senses, etc. Just the experience of being aware, resting in itself.”


Cause / Effect?

“Give your mind to whatever comes and goes, but give your heart to that which remains always with you.” Rupert Spira So Jesus told them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” 26And they were unable to trap Him in His words before...