Beloved One, by Walter Cecchini

A song written from the heart, to the heart…

For non-dual musings, poetry and music

All photos from Pexels…


This existence vibrates and creates 
grand illusions we know so well 

like the sun rising and setting 
and the seeming distance between you and I 

At the core of it all 
we’re never apart 

And the knowing that we 
we share the very same heart 

It’s here where love starts 
My Beloved One

My mind turns to thoughts of you 
an expression of beauty and grace 

I know this is maya’s play 
yet I long to gaze upon your face  

At the core of it all 
we’re never apart 

And the knowing that we 
we share the very same heart 

It’s here where love starts 
My Beloved One 

Yeah I fall to my knees
lost in this poor little me 

This body and mind long to hold you tenderly 
hold you close to me 

Should we never embrace 
We’ll live forever in the lines of Rumi 

Out beyond rightdoing, wrongdoing 
there’s a field, I’ll meet you there 

At the core of it all 
we’re never apart 

And the knowing that we 
we share the very same heart 

It’s here where love starts 
My Beloved One  

At the core of it all 
we’re never apart 

And the knowing that we 
we share the very same heart 

It’s here where love starts 
My Beloved One 

My Beloved One

Thank you Walter!


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